Keeping Healthy


We provide seasonal fruit and vegetables at our snack station allowing children to visit when they are ready throughout the session, providing them with independence and self value as they are able to choose their snack and pour their choice of milk or water. 


Lunch time is an opportunity to socialise and talk about healthy eating and healthy practices, We ask that you provide a named lunch box with a cooling block and that it contains healthy food that avoids too much sugar, salt and fat. Please note no fizzy drinks, this is in keeping with school's recommendations, so this is good preparation for school. 

Here is a great link for healthy lunchbox ideas  Lunchbox ideas and recipes – Healthier Families - NHS (

Oral Health

Oral health is important us at Preschool as we know 'tooth decay is the most common oral disease affecting children and young people in England, yet it is largely preventable.'

So each year we send out 'healthy me' packs which include a toothbrush and toothpaste along with several leaflets relating to a 'healthy me' approach.


In May 2022 we launched our very own oral health mission when we introduced tooth brushing into the setting. All children have their very own toothbrush and are supervised to brush their teeth after lunch

Physical Health 

Pre-schoolers should spend at least 180 minutes (3 hours) a day doing a variety of physical activities spread throughout the day, including active and outdoor play. The more the better.

The 180 minutes should include at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity.

Children under 5 should not be inactive for long periods, except when they're asleep. Watching TV, travelling by car, bus or train, or being strapped into a buggy for long periods are not good for a child's health and development.

Physical activity guidelines for children (under 5 years) - NHS (

Our play is free flow with access to the garden every session. We promote and encourage physical activity in many ways following the children's interests. Some of the activities we include are climbing, riding a balance bike or trike, playing in water, running games, ball games, obstacle courses and dancing. Anything to get our bodies moving and keeping us active.